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Our Heritage

125 years of innovation to remain on top.
First hotel management school in the world founded in 1893 by the Swiss Hotel Association.


Building on EHL’s 126 years of experience, Switzerland leadership in Vocational training and EHL Advisory track record of setting up schools ; VET by EHL is a Vocational Education and Training model designed by EHL, available to industry and education providers through a comprehensive licensing model.

Target Audience :- Hospitality Investors or governments that would like to open skill training centres with EHL-made Swiss content, branding, easy - to consume advisory and quality assurance.


INTRODUCTION TO SWISS VET The Swiss Vocational Education and Training (VET) System prepares young people to ensure a steady supply of qualified workforce.

Industry Driven Training is tailored to the demand of qualifications and skills needed in each industry, with 250 federal programmes to choose from. As a result of this integrated approach, Switzerland has one of the lowest rates of youth unemployment.

Lifelong Learning The VET system is an integral building block of the Swiss Federal education system. Beginning at upper-secondary level, students can continue all the way to tertiary level, ensuring permeability and allowing them to change and advance their careers at any point.

Widespread Two thirds of young Swiss citizens choose the VET path after finishing compulsory education (11 years of formal education upto Lower Secondary).

The next level after successful completion of the VET, is Professional Education & Training (PET), providing learners with specific qualifications and preparing them for managerial and specialised positions.
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3 Certificate Levels
06 months per Certificate

1 Professional Diploma
18 months
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3 Certificate Levels
06 months per Certificate

1 Professional Diploma
18 months
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3 Certificate Levels
06 months per Certificate

1 Professional Diploma
18 months

Quick Facts

  • 18 Months Full Professional Diploma
  • Consisting of 3 independent 6-month certificate modules
  • Blended learning & focus on application
  • Modern Learning Management System
  • Content developed in Switzerland
  • 150+ Video Database
  • Certificates & Diplomas signed through VET by EHL
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"For more than 125 years, CII has been engaged in shaping India's development journey and works proactively on transforming Indian Industry's engagement in national development. CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business opportunities for industry through a range of specialized services and strategic global linkages. CII Institute of Hospitality is to nurture and bring future hoteliers. CIIIH is aligned with EHL for academic delivery and IHCL Hotels as training partner."


Hospitality is an exciting industry with a global reach while being intrinsically local at the same time. In this steadily growing and diverse industry, the focus is on maximizing customer experience and satisfaction. Studying Hospitality Management provides a tremendous opportunity to travel, meet and work with people from all over the world while at the same time discovering one of the most creative forms of leadership.

By 2028, Travel & Tourism will account for 33 lakhs jobs directly, an increase of 2.1% per annum over the next ten years. The total contribution of Travel & Tourism to employment (including wider effects from investment, the supply chain and induced income impacts) is estimated to rise by 2028, Travel & Tourism is forecast to support 522 lakhs jobs (8.4% of total employment), an increase of 2.0% pa over the period.